Last 28 boards of Mini Spingold 0-1500 (Micro-Spingold) Final, Chicago 2006

This is my first hand account of the final 28 boards of the 56 board 2006 Mini-Spingold 0-1500 (aka Micro-Spingold) final held in Chicago in July 2006.

At half-time, after the first 28 boards, HENDRICKSON (Eric Hendrickson, Richard Lawson, Matthew Bribitzer-Stull, Jason Bribitzer-Stull) were leading FORAN (Ed Foran, Nicolas Hammond (me), John Hassett, Steve Callaham) by 52 IMPs (101-49). Foran, Hammond and Hassett, with different teammates, finished second in this event last year in Atlanta and this was probably the last year they would all still qualify for this event.

The Bribitzer-Stulls had just finished second in the Young Life Masters pairs event earlier in the week. (Ed & I won that event in Atlanta the previous year; we finished third in Chicago).

I was sitting South with Ed Foran against the Bribitzer-Stulls; Matthew was West, Jason was East. Ed & I play Atlanta Club, a strong club system with positive transfer responses. The Bribitzer-Stulls play SAYC. Both pairs at the other table played 2/1 with usual gadgets.

The game was played behind screens. My screen partner was Matthew.

There are scanned images of the hands from the final:
First session, boards 1-16
First session, boards 17-32
Second session, boards 1-16
Second session, boards 17-32

They don't show very well on the screen, but print well. The hands below are all from the second, and final, session.

Score: Foran 49, Hendrickson 101 (-52)
Board 1         
North Dealer
None Vul
S: 10 7 2
H: 4 3
D: 7 4 3
C: Q 8 7 6 5
S: 9 5 3
H: A K 7
D: J 10 9
C: A J 10 9
S: A K 8 6
H: Q 10 9
D: K 8 6
C: K 3 2
S: Q J 4
H: J 8 6 5 2
D: A Q 5 2
C: 4
The first board was a flat three no trump by East. An extra trick was available for guessing the location of the queen of clubs, but neither table guessed correctly.

Score: Foran 49, Hendrickson 101 (-52)
Board 2         
East Dealer
N-S Vul
S: 7 5 4 2
H: A J 9
D: 6
C: K J 10 8 7
S: A K 6
H: K 5 3 2
D: A K 3
C: 9 5 4
S: J 10 8
H: 10 8 6 4
D: J 9 5 4
C: 6 3
S: Q 9 3
H: Q 7
D: Q 10 8 7 2
C: A Q 2


Matthew B-S
1NT (1)

All pass

Jason B-S
1) 15-17

Board 2 produced some early fireworks. At our table, I passed the South hand in second seat. This is the first time I can remember passing a 12 HCP hand but it was a very ugly 12 HCP. I heard Matthew open one no trump and play there for down two. At the other table Callaham (West) made 2 hearts doubled for a gain of 11 for FORAN.

I was the dealer for board 3. Not vulnerable first seat we open 10-12 one no trump so I had an easy systemic opening bid with S:J853 H:QJ95 D:K75 C:K3. Matthew doubled and my partner passed which I alerted as forcing a redouble assuming RHO passed. RHO duly passed and I pulled out the blue redouble card. LHO passed and the tray was sent back under the screen. After little hesitation, the board was sent back with two additional passes. I could probably expect 8-10 HCP from my partner, 12 HCP on my left and 8 HCP on my right. Playing weak no trumps, one no trump redoubled is not an uncommon contract. This was going to be a swing board either way. The auction would not be repeated at the other table. My partner put down a slightly better dummy than expected. I am sure he expected me to make the contract. The full deal:

Score: Foran 60, Hendrickson 101 (-41)
Board 3         
South Dealer
E-W Vul
S: K 9 7 6
H: A 4
D: Q 9 6 2
C: J 8 7
S: A 10 2
H: K 10 8 3
D: A 3
C: Q 10 4 2
S: Q 4
H: 7 6 2
D: J 10 8 4
C: A 9 6 5
S: J 8 5 3
H: Q J 9 5
D: K 7 5
C: K 3

1NT (1)

Matthew B-S

Pass (2)
Pass (3)

Jason B-S

1) 10-12
2) Forces a redouble if RHO passes
3) To play

One no trump is possibly the hardest contract to defend against. With a good guess of the ace of diamonds doubleton, I was able to take two spades, two hearts, two diamonds and one club before they could take their seven tricks. At the other table Callaham (West) made 2 clubs for a swing of 12 to FORAN. If I had gone down, instead of us scoring +12 IMPs, we would have lost 3 IMPs (down 1) or 23 IMPs (if down 2). This was a swing board of 15 (if I was down 1) or 23 (if I was down 2).

In the last two boards, HENDRICKSON had allowed their opponents to play contracts that were doubled or redoubled into game and given up 23 IMPs - not the best way to protect a lead.

Score: Foran 72, Hendrickson 101 (-29)
Board 4         
West Dealer
Both vul
S: A 10 6
H: K J 7
D: Q 8 4 3 2
C: 5 4
S: 9 7 5
H: A 9 6
D: J 7 6
C: A 8 7 2
S: K J 8 4 3
H: Q 10 4 2
D: -
C: K J 10 6
S: Q 2
H: 8 5 3
D: A K 10 9 5
C: Q 9 3


Matthew B-S

All pass

Jason B-S

On board 4, both vulnerable, I picked up S:Q2 H:853 D:AK1095 C:Q93 and heard pass-pass-1 spade. The hand appears to belong to the opponents. I debated a two diamond overcall but chose to pass. Matthew bid two spades and the tray took a little while to come back with two more passes. With screens this does not prevent me from bidding three diamonds but I passed. We had the balance of the points (21-19) but did not enter the auction. I led the ace of diamonds asking for attitude on the queen and was surprised when declarer ruffed. He played carefully to ensure the contract and we scored up minus 110. Not making the obvious 2 diamond overcall, which partner would almost certainly have supported, prevented them from bidding game.

At the other table our teammates blasted to four spades despite a combined 19 HCP making for an 11 IMP gain for FORAN. After the first four boards, FORAN had gained 34 to cut the deficit to 18 though neither table knew.

Score: Foran 83, Hendrickson 101 (-18)
Board 5         
North Dealer
N-S Vul
S: J 8 7 6
H: A 10 9 4
D: K Q 7 2
C: 7
S: K Q 3
H: Q 8 6 2
D: J 8
C: K 10 9 8
S: A 5 4 2
H: 7 5
D: 9
C: A Q J 4 3 2
S: 10 9
H: K J 3
D: A 10 6 5 4 3
C: 6 5
On board 5, Jason opened one club, I overcalled one diamond and they were quickly in five clubs. I don't remember the exact auction. Foran doubled on the philosophy that his team needed at least 2 IMPs per board. A similar auction, but undoubled at the other table, and FORAN had a 2 IMP gain when the defense at both tables took their top three tricks.

Score: Foran 85, Hendrickson 101 (-16)
Board 6         
East Dealer
E-W Vul
S: Q 10 9 7
H: 10 9 8 7 6
D: -
C: K 8 6 5
S: J 2
H: A K 5 2
D: A Q 8 7 2
C: A 2
S: A K 6 4 3
H: Q 4 3
D: 10 6
C: Q 7 4
S: 8 5
H: J
D: K J 9 5 4 3
C: J 10 9 3
On board 6, the Bribitzer-Stulls stopped in three no trump making four while Callaham/Hassett reached an aggressive six no trump down one. HENDRICKSON had their first good result of the session and it increased their lead to 28.

Score: Foran 85, Hendrickson 113 (-28)
Board 7         
South Dealer
All vuln
S: K 10 7
H: 9 5 4
D: 10 5 2
C: A K Q 7
S: Q J 9 5
H: A Q J 6 2
D: J
C: 10 5 4
S: 6 3
H: K 7
D: A 9 8 3
C: 9 8 6 3 2
S: A 8 4 2
H: 10 8 3
D: K Q 7 6 4
C: J


Matthew B-S
All pass


Jason B-S
I opened one diamond. This is not an unusual one diamond opening bid for strong club systems. Matthew bid one heart and the tray came back under the screen with a double from partner and two hearts by Jason. I had a simple two spade bid which closed the auction. The lead was the four of clubs which was unfortunate for the defense. I let it run to the jack, crossed to the king of spades and played three rounds of clubs pitching hearts. Note the usefulness of a Rosenkranz redouble in this auction. East can show one of the top three honors in hearts with partnership agreement on the meaning of a redouble or a simple raise.

Ironically, Ed & I could both be accused of underbidding our hands (see my bidding on boards 2 & 4). I have fewer HCP than I did on board 4, when, with similar vulnerability, I chose to open the bidding with a pass.

At the other table, Callaham (West) played two clubs doubled making for another 8 to FORAN. HENDRICKSON led by 20.

Score: Foran 93, Hendrickson 113 (-20)
Board 8 was probably the most interesting hand of the match. At our table, it featured both a declarer problem and a defense problem. First, the declarer problem:

S: A K Q 7
H: A K 7 6 3
D: A K 9
C: J
S: 8 5 2
H: 10
D: J 6 2
C: A K 10 8 7 3

1NT (2)
2S (4)

Matthew B-S

1C (1)
2C (3)
6NT (5)

Jason B-S
All pass

1) 16+ HCP
2) 5+ clubs, 8+ HCP, game forcing
3) Asking for number of controls
4) Three controls (ace=two, king=one)
5) Worried that we might be missing 7NT.

The lead is the eight of diamonds. Plan the play.

There are three spades, two hearts, two diamonds and two clubs off the top for a total of nine tricks. If spades are three-three, this gives an extra trick. If the queen of clubs is doubleton this gives an extra trick, if the club doubleton is queen-nine then this gives three extra tricks and the contract will make. Another hope for extra tricks is having the queen, jack, nine and eight of hearts drop in three rounds of hearts (unlikely - requires mis-defense). Yet another possibility is to set up clubs and hope for another entry to the closed hand if the queen of diamonds drops doubleton.

So ... how did you decide to play it?

Same hand, but now the defensive problem:

S: A K Q 7
H: A K 7 6 3
D: A K 9
C: J
S: J 6 4 3
H: Q 8 5 4 3
D: 7
C: Q 9 5
The lead is the eight of diamonds. South's three controls must be the ace and king of clubs. Declarer has at least 8 HCP therefore, given the lead, must also have the queen and/or jack of diamonds. (Partner would not lead away from QJ of diamonds). It looks like you have a spade and a heart trick. Declarer takes some time to play to the first trick, indicating that there are not twelve tricks off the top, but this gives you plenty of time to plan the defense. Eventually he wins the first trick with the king of diamonds and then plays a small heart from dummy. You win with the queen, declarer following with the ten, partner with the nine. You play another heart, declarer discards a spade, partner plays the jack and dummy wins with the ace. Declarer immediately calls for the jack of clubs from dummy. What card do you play and why?

From the lead and the play to trick one, declarer appears to have the queen of diamonds and saving this as an entry. The play on hearts appears to be preparatory to a spade-heart squeeze. However, you can see that the squeeze will fail as you discard after dummy. You can count at least two clubs, presumably at least three diamonds, two hearts and three spades for declarer for a total of ten tricks. Even if declarer has four diamonds, he is still short a trick. You only need one more trick to set the contract. If declarer has two more club tricks this totals 12. If partner has the ten of clubs, declarer can only take two clubs (if you cover). If partner has the eight of clubs, declarer can only take three clubs (if you cover). If you don't cover, the queen will drop as, having already lost a trick, declarer is surely going to run the jack. You decide to cover and declarer quickly claims when he shows up with six clubs headed by the ace, king and ten. If you had chosen not to cover, the contract was going down as declarer had no other entry to his hand. The lead of the eight of diamonds was deceiving. The full deal was:

Board 8         
South Dealer
None vul
S: A K Q 7
H: A K 7 6 3
D: A K 9
C: J
S: 10 9
H: J 9
D: Q 10 8 5 4 3
C: 6 4 2
S: J 6 4 3
H: Q 8 5 4 3
D: 7
C: Q 9 5
S: 8 5 2
H: 10
D: J 6 2
C: A K 10 8 7 3
Some books recommend a deceptive lead against 6NT hoping to fool declarer about the position of various honors. In this case, it failed.

At the other table, South played three no trump with an overtrick. Another 11 for FORAN and a 21 IMP swing (six no trump down one would have gained 10 for HENDRICKSON). This would prove to be the margin of victory.

So, did I play it the way you would have played it?

Score: Foran 104, Hendrickson 113 (-9)
Board 9         
South Dealer
E-W Vul
S: K
H: A J 8 7 4 2
D: A K Q 9
C: 4 3
S: 6 4 3 2
H: K Q 5 3
D: J 3
C: Q 9 5
S: A Q 9 8
H: 6
D: 8 7 6 5 4 2
C: A 2
S: J 10 7 5
H: 10 9
D: 10
C: K J 10 8 7 6

1D (2)
1S (4)

Matthew B-S

1C (1)
1H (3)

Jason B-S

1) 16+ HCP
2) 0-7 HCP
3) Either hearts or hearts/another suit, or strong balanced. Forcing.
4) Forced. Denies 5+/5+ in majors or minors or 6+ major
5) 6+ hearts, non forcing

More IMPs to FORAN on board 9 when we stopped in two hearts, the other table pushed one higher. Nine tricks are available but both tables only took eight. It is difficult with standard bidding to stop at the two level as North will likely jump-shift after any response from South.

Score: Foran 108, Hendrickson 113 (-5)
Board 10         
East Dealer
All vuln
S: 6
H: 9
D: K J 6 4 3
C: A Q 10 9 8 4
S: K Q 8 3
H: 8 7 6 4
D: Q 5 2
C: 6 3
S: A J 9 4
H: K 10 5 3
D: A 8 7
C: J 2
S: 10 7 5 2
H: A Q J 2
D: 10 9
C: K 7 5

Both North-South pairs stopped short of game in clubs. HENDRICKSON took an overtrick to gain 1.

Score: Foran 108, Hendrickson 114 (-6)
Board 11         
South Dealer
None vul
S: 8 7 5 3 2
H: 9 5 3
D: 9 6 2
C: 5 4
S: A K J 6
H: K 6 4
D: A 8 5
C: A 9 2
S: Q 10 9
H: Q 7 2
D: Q 10 4 3
C: Q 8 7
S: 4
H: A J 10 8
D: K J 7
C: K J 10 6 3

At our table, the Bribitzer-Stulls bid and made three no trump while Hassett (East) played in one no trump at the other table for a gain of 6 to HENDRICKSON.

Score: Foran 108, Hendrickson 120 (-12)
Board 12         
West Dealer
N-S Vul
S: 6 5 4
H: A Q 9 5 4
D: Q J 4
C: Q 5
S: K Q 9 3 2
H: 6 2
D: A 9 3
C: A 8 2
S: J
H: J 8
D: 10 8 7 6 5 2
C: K J 9 7
S: A 10 8 7
H: K 10 7 3
D: K
C: 10 6 4 3

At our table, North played three hearts while West opened one spade at the other table and played there. Both making three. Another 7 to FORAN.

Score: Foran 115, Hendrickson 120 (-5)
Board 13         
North Dealer
All vuln
S: K Q 8
H: A K 2
D: A 7 6
C: A J 6 4
S: A 3
H: Q J 8 7
D: 9 8 5
C: K Q 8 2
S: J 9 6 2
H: 6 5
D: K Q J 4 2
C: 10 9
S: 10 7 5 4
H: 10 9 4 3
D: 10 3
C: 7 5 3

1D (2)
1S (4)

Matthew B-S

1C (1)
1H (3)
1NT (5)

Jason B-S

1) 16+ HCP
2) 0-7 HCP
3) Either hearts or hearts/another suit or strong balanced. Forcing.
4) Forced. Denies 5+/5+ in majors or minors
5) 20-21 balanced.

On board 13, both Norths showed a balanced 20-21 HCP hand. Using our strong club system we were able to stop in one no trump, while at the other table North opened two no trumps and played there. Both sides only took five tricks and another 3 IMPs trickled to FORAN.

Score: Foran 118, Hendrickson 120 (-2)
Board 14         
East Dealer
None vul
S: Q J 7
H: K 9 5 4 2
D: Q 6 3 2
C: 6
S: A 10 8 6 4
H: J 10 6 3
D: A 4
C: 10 5
S: 5 3 2
H: A Q
D: 10 8 5
C: K 8 7 3 2
S: K 9
H: 8 7
D: K J 9 7
C: A Q J 9 4

Board 14 saw South down one in three diamonds and down two in two clubs at the other table. 2 more trickled to FORAN.

At the end of the third quarter, FORAN had rallied and tied the match at 120-120.

On the fifth day of competition, the winners were going to be decided on the final seven boards. It did not start well for HENDRICKSON.

Score: Foran 120, Hendrickson 120 (Tied)
Board 15         
South Dealer
N-S Vul
S: K 8 4 3
H: K 10 7 2
D: 9 6
C: A J 10
S: A Q 10 7 6
H: A Q 9 5 3
D: 8
C: 9 7
S: -
H: J 8 6 4
D: J 10 7 3
C: Q 8 5 4 3
S: J 9 5 2
H: -
D: A K Q 5 4 2
C: K 6 2
Foran made three no trump, down 1 at the other table for the first lead for FORAN this session. I forget the exact play, but I think they took the first three heart tricks, and then East was end played after four rounds of diamonds and had to lead away from the queen of clubs.

Score: Foran 132, Hendrickson 120 (+12)
Board 16         
West Dealer
E-W Vul
S: K J 5
H: 10 8 6 5 2
D: Q 10 6
C: J 7
S: A 8
H: J
D: K 7 5 4 2
C: K Q 9 8 6
S: 10 6 4 3 2
H: K 9 7 3
D: 9 8 3
C: 2
S: Q 9 7
H: A Q 4
D: A J
C: A 10 5 4 3
North down 1 in three hearts at our table, South down 1 in two clubs at the other table for a push.
Score: Foran 132, Hendrickson 120 (+12)
Board 17         
North Dealer
None vul
S: 6 5
H: 2
D: A K 10 7 3
C: J 10 8 7 2
S: Q 10 7 4 2
H: J 5
D: J 6 5
C: Q 4 3
S: A K 8
H: A Q 10 6 4 3
D: 4 2
C: K 6
S: J 9 3
H: K 9 8 7
D: Q 9 8
C: A 9 5
North down two in five diamonds, West making two spades at the other table for a push.
Score: Foran 132, Hendrickson 120 (+12)
Board 18         
East Dealer
N-S Vul
S: 9 5 3
H: A 9 7 4 3
D: K
C: A K 9 5
S: K 6
H: 6 2
D: Q J 10 9 6 4
C: J 8 6
S: A 7 2
H: J 8 5
D: A 7 5 3
C: 10 4 3
S: Q J 10 8 4
H: K Q 10
D: 8 2
C: Q 7 2
North made four hearts at both tables, but both tables only bid three for another push.
Score: Foran 132, Hendrickson 120 (+12)
Board 19         
South Dealer
E-W Vul
S: 9 5 2
H: K 8 7 5
D: 6 4
C: A K 10 9
S: A K 8 7 4
H: J
D: K J 9 8 2
C: Q 3
S: Q 6
H: A Q 9 4 3 2
D: Q 7
C: 8 5 2
S: J 10 3
H: 10 6
D: A 10 5 3
C: J 7 6 4
At our table West down one in four hearts; down two in four spades at the other table.
Score: Foran 132, Hendrickson 123 (+9)
Board 20         
West Dealer
Both vul
S: 4
H: Q J 7 2
D: 8 7 6 3 2
C: 10 6 4
S: K J 10 8 3
H: K
D: Q J 4
C: J 5 3 2
S: A 7 6 5 2
H: 10 9 8 5 3
D: 10
C: A 8
S: Q 9
H: A 6 4
D: A K 9 5
C: K Q 9 7
South down one in one no trump at our table; West made five spades but only bid three at the other table for a gain of 3 for FORAN.
Score: Foran 135, Hendrickson 123 (+12)
Board 21         
North Dealer
N-S Vul
S: A K 7 5 2
H: 8 3 2
D: A K 6
C: A 10
S: 8 6
H: K 10 9 6
D: 5 4
C: J 9 8 5 4
S: Q J 10 9
H: A 5
D: Q 9 3
C: Q 7 6 2
S: 4 3
H: Q J 7 4
D: J 10 8 7 2
C: K 3
North down 1 in three no trump at our table, South made three no trump at the other table to tie the match. Neither table knew. Seven boards to decide the winner.
Score: Foran 135, Hendrickson 135 (Tied)
Board 22         
East Dealer
E-W Vul
S: -
H: K J 10 8 6 3
D: Q 4
C: K J 7 5 2
S: 6 5 4 3
H: A 9 7 5
D: J 6
C: 10 9 4
S: K 10 9 2
H: Q 4 2
D: 10 8 7 5
C: A 3
S: A Q J 8 7
H: -
D: A K 9 3 2
C: Q 8 6

1C (1)

Matthew B-S
All pass

2D (2)
3H (3)

Jason B-S

1) 16+ HCP
2) 5+ hearts, 8+ HCP, game forcing
3) 6+ hearts.

On board 22, we played three no trump, making four while the other table played five diamonds, down three. FORAN was ahead for only the second time in the match.

Score: Foran 146, Hendrickson 135 (+11)
Board 23         
South Dealer
Both Vul
S: K J 10 7 6 5
H: 8 6
D: A 10 7
C: 10 2
S: Q 3
H: A K 7 4 3 2
D: 6
C: K Q 9 8
S: A 9
H: 10
D: K 9 5 4
C: J 7 6 5 4 3
S: 8 4 2
H: Q J 9 5
D: Q J 8 3 2
C: A

Board 23 was a push. Both Norths were down two. At our table we were in three spades, the contract was four spades at the other table.

Score: Foran 146, Hendrickson 135 (+11)
Board 24         
West Dealer
None vul
S: 7 4
H: Q 8 7
D: A 10 6 5
C: Q 9 8 3
S: Q J 8 3
H: 10 9 5 4 3
D: K J 7
C: 7
S: A 6 5 2
H: A K J
D: -
C: A K J 10 5 4
S: K 10 9
H: 6 2
D: Q 9 8 4 3 2
C: 6 2
Board 24 was another example that four-four fits play better than five-three fits. At our table, Matthew (West) played six hearts down one on the lead of the seven of spades, ducked to the king and a diamond return set up an eventual trump promotion. At the other table, Hassett (East) played six spades on the four-four fit and made. Another 14 to FORAN.

Score: Foran 160, Hendrickson 135 (+25)
Board 25         
North Dealer
E-W Vul
S: A 8 6 4 3
H: K Q 7
D: A Q 10 9
C: 4
S: K 9 5 2
H: J 4
D: 7 6 5 3 2
C: 8 7
S: J 10
H: 10 6 3
D: K J 4
C: Q J 10 6 2
S: Q 7
H: A 9 8 5 2
D: 8
C: A K 9 5 3
On board 25, both sides pushed to an aggressive six hearts. Down one at our table, down two at the other.

Score: Foran 162, Hendrickson 135 (+27)
Board 26         
East Dealer
All vuln
S: Q 4
H: 7 6 4 3
D: 9 5 4 3 2
C: Q 5
S: K 8 6 3 2
H: K 10
D: Q J 8 6
C: A K
S: J 9
H: A J 9 8
D: 10 7
C: J 10 9 8 4
S: A 10 7 5
H: Q 5 2
D: A K
C: 7 6 3 2
Board 26 was the last major swing. The Bribitzer-Stulls bid an aggressive three no trump while our partners played three spades. Both making for 10 to HENDRICKSON.

The FORAN lead was now 17 with two boards to play.

Score: Foran 162, Hendrickson 145 (+17)
Board 27         
South Dealer
None Vul
S: 6 5 2
H: 10 7 4
D: K Q 9 8 6
C: A 7
S: J 7
H: A Q 9 5
D: A 4 2
C: K 10 9 5
S: K Q
H: K 8 6 3
D: J 7 5 3
C: 8 4 3
S: A 10 9 8 4 3
H: J 2
D: 10
C: Q J 6 2
East down one in three hearts at our table, down two in four hearts at the other table. Another 2 for HENDRICKSON.
Score: Foran 162, Hendrickson 147 (+15)
Board 28         
West Dealer
N-S Vul
S: K 8 4
H: K Q 6
D: 10 9
C: K 10 9 4 3
S: A J 7 6
H: J 10 2
D: A Q J
C: J 8 5
S: 3 2
H: 9 8 5
D: K 8 6 4 3
C: A Q 7
S: Q 10 9 5
H: A 7 4 3
D: 7 5 2
C: 6 2
Both Easts declared in NT, an overtrick IMP to Hassett for another one for FORAN.

FORAN had won by 16 in a high scoring match (163-147). 160 IMPs had been won or lost in the final 28 boards.

Final score: Foran 163, Hendrickson 147 (+16).

I think the match finished around 1am.